Wednesday, 17 July 2013

MAC Duo Image Compact Mirror review

I had been using a really old compact mirror to apply my make up for about... let's see... probably almost 10 years. I used to have a big mirror in my room but I never really used it much. You can never apply make up as well as when you look in a mirror closely, preferably sitting down. Now I was relatively happy with my old compact mirror, despite the fact that it was heartshaped, had a mouse on it and that it had nail polish all over it (I took it with me in a wash bag on vacation and it spilled).

I had been trying to find a new compact mirror for a while but I wasn't really sure what to look for. I love MAC even though I do not own that many of their products. I really liked the simple design of the mirror but I could not find any straightforward (or any for that matter!) reviews on it. Since it wasn't that expensive I decided to just take the leap - go to a MAC store and just get it. It couldn't suck more than my old mirror.

The verdict? The mirror definitely does not disappoint. The size is perfect, it fits in my hand palm but the mirrors itself are bigger than my older compact mirror. The top mirror shows your face in real life size, I guess you could say. The bottom mirror magnifies x2. Which I think is definitely more than enough to just apply make up with. Who wants to see their blemishes magnified 8 times anyway? The mirror does not come with a big if that's a problem for you - but I think it's sturdy enough to survive in most handbags. Overall, if you look for a nice and simple compact mirror, this is a good option.
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